"The gut microbiome plays a significant role in making our neurotransmitters, which control our thoughts and feelings and regulate mood and behavior."
★4.54 (276) • 2024
"Instead of holding a vision of how sick your child could get, integrative pediatrics holds a vision of how well your child can be."
★4.40 (73K) • 2024
"While the reward-seeking parts of the brain mature earlier, the frontal cortex—essential for self-control, delay of gratification, and resistance to temptation—is not up to full capacity until the mid-20s..."
★4.29 (5K) • 2024
"We built a food system that poisons us—and then, to keep us away from the avalanche of bad food, we decided to inject ourselves with a different potential poison, one that puts us off all food."
★4.40 (4K) • 2024
“In short, anything and everything that was “wrong” with women could be attributed to hysteria—and was, with wild abandon.”
★4.36 (72K) • 2023
"First, Medicine 3.0 places a far greater emphasis on prevention than treatment."
★4.24 (5K) • 2023
"Movement is medicine, and the simplest acts of daily motion can have profound impacts on our health and longevity."
★4.31 (3K) • 2023
"Learning to let go of sexual shame can open up new possibilities for pleasure."
★4.47 (15K) • 2023
"I wanted to coach women to be the best in the world, but without subscribing to the dominant paradigm that athletes are disposable and that winning was worth just about any price."
★4.32 (27K) • 2022
"Shedding toxic myths of disconnection from ourselves, from one another, and from the planet, we can bring what is normal and what is natural, bit by bit, closer together."
★4.51 (59K) • 2022
"Over and over, the answer is the same, isn’t it? Love, love, love. The salve and the cure."
★4.23 (63K) • 2022
"I believe that if an Attention Rebellion begins, we will, sooner or later, have to take on this very deep issue: the growth machine itself."
Arianna Huffington recommends
★3.91 (60K) • 2021
"Addiction is not a sign of weakness or moral failing. It's a sign that we are human, with brains that are wired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain."
★4.38 (205K) • 2017
"Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day - Mother Nature's best effort yet at contra-death."
Bill Gates recommends
★4.40 (27K) • 2017
"Our behavior is shaped by a complex web of influences, including genetics, epigenetics, hormones, brain development, culture, and socialization."
★4.09 (3K) • 2022
"The meaning of life must be something that, beneath the surface, motivates the majority of what we do, makes us happy when we are in line with it and unhappy when we are not."
★3.90 (81K) • 2012
"Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you end up depends entirely on who you choose to be from this moment forward."
★4.19 (208K) • 2006
"The ideal of the local and the organic isn't an aesthetic decision. It's a moral and ethical decision."
★4.18 (29K) • 2016
"Our relationship with the microbes that live within us is not just one of coexistence, but one of mutualism and symbiosis."
Bill Gates recommends
★4.31 (223K) • 2009
"Ask nothing from your running, and you’ll get more than you ever imagined."
★4.43 (47K) • 2015
"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."
★4.06 (13K) • 2012
"Our perceptions of the world are filtered through the lens of our subconscious biases and assumptions."
★4.07 (52K) • 2014
"Our gut is almost a second brain in terms of its complexity and influence."
★4.17 (7K) • 2023
"Perfectionism is not about being perfect. It's about striving for excellence in a way that becomes self-destructive."
★4.15 (10K) • 2023
"The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier."
★4.15 (2K) • 2023
"We often underestimate the power of our unconscious mind, which influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ways we are not always aware of."
★4.26 (21K) • 2017
"The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being."
★3.71 (103K) • 2018
"All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end."
★4.20 (8K) • 2017
"The act of revealing oneself fully to another and still being accepted may be the major vehicle of therapeutic help."
★4.02 (38K) • 2012
"It's not about the pursuit of happiness; it's about the happiness of pursuit."
★3.83 (62K) • 2006
"We have a natural tendency to return to a baseline level of happiness after experiencing both positive and negative events."
★4.32 (91K) • 2019
"The human body is the product of three billion years of evolutionary tweaking. It is a wonder of optimization."
★3.61 (10K) • 2023
"There has been a yearning in me that I'm only just beginning to understand, a craving for transcendent experience, for depth, for meaning-making."
★4.33 (11K) • 2023
"Fat people have the right to exist in public spaces and to be treated with respect and dignity."
★4.11 (13K) • 2022
"Our illnesses are not just contained in our skull but are also made and sustained by our relationships and communities."
★4.30 (2K) • 2020
"When a food becomes endangered, another seed lost, another skill forgotten, it is worth remembering the epic story of how they got here."
★4.14 (3K) • 2022
"Mental disorders—all of them—are metabolic disorders of the brain."
★4.06 (891) • 2022
"Blind conformity is never good for anyone—it robs us of happiness and keeps us from fulfilling our potential, individually and collectively.”
★3.83 (13K) • 2022
"If we know what we truly regret, we know what we truly value. Regret—that maddening, perplexing, and undeniably real emotion—points the way to a life well lived."
★4.28 (13K) • 2022
"This, rather, is the story of how the concept of the cell, and our comprehension of cellular physiology, altered medicine, science, biology, social structures, and culture."
★4.42 (37K) • 2022
"I hope you will then go on to help your parents, siblings, children, friends, and acquaintances do the same. Together we can help everyone reconnect with their bodies, one person at a time."
★3.83 (1K) • 2020
"Having removed, replaced and repaired what we can, the final stage in an actual cure for biological ageing will almost certainly require us to reprogram our own biology, hacking what nature has given us to prevent problematic processes from happening in the first place."