The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human

by Siddhartha Mukherjee
4.28 (13K)  •  2022

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Author speaks via video with India’s MOJO TV about book
28K    386
Jan, 2023
Spoiler: The author speaks enthusiastically on a variety of topics, from promising new cancer treatments to COVID to how depression is a cellular misfunction just like any other disease. He says that cells are to genes what musicians are to a musical score; that is, the score cannot come alive without the musicians to make it so. He also compares us to gardeners singing to their plants, saying we have not yet learned how to sing to our cells.
Author speaks with New Delhi TV via video about cancer treatments
4K    48
Oct, 2022
Spoiler: The author shares information about exciting new cancer treatments he is conducting in India for children with leukemia. Although he says there can be toxic side effects and that success is not guaranteed, he also adds that there is absolutely nothing like seeing a 10-year-old who was at the edge of death come back to life. He also discusses COVID-19, saying that the virus has taught us a lot about the immune system. He calls COVID “a misfiring” of the body's immunity, as if an army were firing in the wrong direction.

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Other books by Siddhartha Mukherjee

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