How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

by Michael Greger
4.43 (47K)  •  2015

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Author takes on American diet in Talks at Google format
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Feb, 2016
Spoiler: The number one cause of U.S. deaths on the CDC’s list is heart disease, something the author says is preventable with diet. He adds that by age 10, most children being raised on the typical American diet have fatty aortic streaks that will later harden to plaque. If you are over age 10, he says, the question is not whether you want to prevent heart disease with a plant-based diet, but whether you want to reverse the heart disease that you probably already have.
Author compares meat to cigarettes in TEDx format + slides
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Feb, 2018
Spoiler: Showing ads from the 1950s in which athletes, movie stars, and doctors promoted cigarettes, the author draws a parallel between how cigarettes were perceived then and how the typical American meat-based diet is perceived now. Cigarette smoking was socially acceptable and pervasive, and any voice of alarm was met with the advice that “in moderation,” smoking was fine. The U.S. Surgeon General didn’t advise against smoking until over 7,000 studies had shown that smokers die of lung cancer at an exponentially higher rate than non-smokers.
Extended Q&A plus slides at Vegan Summerfest
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Aug, 2019
Spoiler: Covering a wide variety of topics, from the real reason why GMOs are bad (excess pesticides) to how to use cranberries to cure UTIs, the author responds to audience questions, shows slides, and gives dietary advice. Using humor, enthusiasm, and esoteric knowledge about how to get maximum leverage from a plant-based diet, he shares, for example, that you can wreak more nutrition from your cruciferous vegetables if you chop them and then let them sit 45 minutes before cooking, a technique he calls “hack and hold.”
Short video introduces author plus vintage family photos
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Jan, 2023
Spoiler: The author shares that his grandmother, who was given a death sentence at 65 but lived to age 96 thanks to a healthy diet, inspired him to go into medicine. Promoting diet and lifestyle changes as a form of medicine, he says, “You don’t know how good you’re going to feel until you give it a try.” He warns that diet is the number one cause of death in the United States, having long surpassed smoking as a killer.

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Other books by Michael Greger

4.44 (8K)   •   2019

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