The Body: A Guide for Occupants

The Body: A Guide for Occupants

by Bill Bryson
4.32 (86K)  •  2019

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Sit-down interview with author on favorite parts of book
40K    651
Oct, 2019
Spoiler: The author shares that he was motivated to write the book in part by finding out that he has only one kidney, a discovery that led him to realize how little we know about what is going on inside us. He shares some of the things that most amazed him while writing the book, such as that one cubic millimeter of our brain is capable of storing all the movies ever made, including trailers. Bryson also discusses his impressions on seeing the insides of cadavers.
Interview with author + footage of audio recording of book
15K    207
Oct, 2019
Spoiler: The author says he wanted the book to be about how well the body looks after us, running without our direction and working tirelessly in spite of the fact that many of us “exercise minimally and eat maximally.” Bryson had reached his sixties without knowing much about his own internal workings but was inspired by a son who was in medical school at the time. Having begun our existence as “unicellular blobs,” he says the journey from there to here has been “pretty glorious.”

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Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson is a best-selling American-British author known for his books on travel, science, and the English language. Several of Bryson's books have been adapted into films and documentaries, further extending his reach and influence. In 2013, Bryson was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society, one of the highest honors for a non-scientist.

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