“I wanted to demonstrate to the world that we can create better lives for ourselves—and that we are not linear beings living linear lives, but dimensional beings living dimensional lives.”
“The evidence clearly shows that we are bound by an invisible field of light and information that influences us and others.”
“Emotions are the chemical consequences (or feedback) of past experiences.”
“The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy—to change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting.”
“That’s why I say you have to think greater than the way you feel to make any real, lasting changes.”
“After all, if you focus on the known, you get the known. If you focus on the unknown, you create a possibility.”
“If you are going to create the unlimited, you have to feel unlimited. If you are going to heal in a magnificent way, you have to feel magnificent.”
“By intentionally choosing to feel the elevated emotions of the heart rather than waiting for something outside of yourself to elicit those emotions, you become who you are truly meant to be—a heart-empowered individual.”
“Because we use our senses to observe and determine physical reality, we identify as a body living in space and time, yet separate from everything in our environment. Over time, this interaction creates the experience of our identity.”
“True leadership never needs confirmation from others. It just requires a clear vision and a change in energy—that is, a new state of being—that is sustained for a long enough period of time and executed with a strong enough will that it causes others to raise their own energy and become inspired to do the same.”
Millionaire Mind Events: Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing The Uncommon