“We humans are so profoundly social that just our awareness of others can shift our behavior. This desire to be aligned with other people—what social scientists call our “conformity bias”—isn’t optional: it’s a hardwired part of our biology.”
“We live in challenging times: there is enormous pressure to go along to get along, to stay silent, or to lie about our private beliefs in order to belong. But blind conformity is never good for anyone—it robs us of happiness and keeps us from fulfilling our potential, individually and collectively.”
“The copycat trap captures us when we defer to others because we don’t believe that we have enough solid information of our own or we don’t trust our personal judgment.”
“If people can see one another’s choices, and if they are merely copying each other, wisdom becomes stupidity in a hurry. In doubting our own judgment and defaulting to conformity, we transform ourselves from individuals into members of the herd.”
“The answer to the question “Who are you?” is not only about your distinctiveness as an individual. It’s about the groups to which you belong.”
“This is the first risk that comes with lying about our private beliefs: if we aren’t careful, we can come to believe our own lies.”
“Like a glitch in our biological software, repetition has no logical connection to truth. Yet it has somehow become a trap door to our beliefs. Sadly, governments, bullies, and leaders have used this trap for generations.”
“We are not born suspicious; we become that way through negative experiences and the distrustful systems we inherit from our forebears. But by internalizing these pernicious doubts, we become the architects of our own misery.”
“A better system will not automatically ensure a better life,” Havel wrote. “In fact, the opposite is true: only by creating a better life can a better system be developed.”
“When we recognize our own private power, commit to congruence, and stand up publicly for what we believe, we can dispel the fog of collective illusions and live up to the promise of a better society.”