"The world’s chip industry, as well as the assembly of all the electronic goods chips enable, depends more on the Taiwan Strait and the South China coast than on any other chunk of the world’s territory except Silicon Valley."
★3.90 (2K) • 2023
"With its high profits and bifurcated labor force, California modeled capitalist discipline for the nation."
★3.80 (2K) • 2022
"The metaverse will challenge our assumptions about what is real, what is valuable, and what is possible."
★4.17 (12K) • 2022
"The world of the past few decades has been the best it will ever be in our lifetime. Instead of cheap and better and faster, we’re rapidly transitioning into a world that’s pricier and worse and slower. Because the world—our world—is breaking apart."
★4.28 (14K) • 2021
"There are three things that create a reserve currency: a strong economy, a strong military, and an open capital account. The United States has all three, but its relative position is declining, while China's is rising."
★4.09 (16K) • 2018
"In the age of AI, the most valuable commodity will be data, and those who control it will hold enormous power."
Yuval Noah Harari recommends
★4.41 (270K) • 2018
"The minute you start compromising for the sake of massaging somebody's ego, that's it, game over."
Bill Gates recommends
★3.81 (24K) • 1969
"In business, as in life, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is often the key to success."
Warren Buffett recommends
★3.94 (844) • 2022
"Tencent's founder, Pony Ma, has always been focused on the long-term, and he has consistently invested in new technologies and industries with an eye towards the future."
★4.10 (21K) • 2011
"Fanatic discipline keeps 10X enterprises on track, empirical creativity keeps them vibrant, productive paranoia keeps them alive, and Level 5 ambition provides inspired motivation."
★4.05 (57K) • 1997
"The strategies and plans that managers formulate for confronting disruptive technological change, therefore, should be plans for learning and discovery rather than plans for execution."
★4.15 (368K) • 2014
"All happy companies are different: each one earns a monopoly by solving a unique problem. All failed companies are the same: they failed to escape competition."
★3.92 (872) • 2018
"Internationalizing your life and assets can provide a hedge against political instability, economic downturns, and other risks that are beyond your control."
★3.95 (789) • 2023
"The relationship between democracy and capitalism has always been uneasy, yet it is the balance between the two that has driven progress."
★3.96 (116K) • 2007
"Black Swans are large-scale, unpredictable, and rare events beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science, finance, and technology."
★4.06 (876) • 2022
"Blind conformity is never good for anyone—it robs us of happiness and keeps us from fulfilling our potential, individually and collectively.”
★3.90 (29K) • 2018
"If you do not take risks for your opinion, you are nothing."