⚡️2,000+ Insightful Book Quotes

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3.94 (357)   •   2024
“We will merge with AI and augment ourselves with millions of times the computational power that our biology gave us.”
4.22 (1K)   •   2024
"The gut microbiome plays a significant role in making our neurotransmitters, which control our thoughts and feelings and regulate mood and behavior."
4.40 (44K)   •   2023
"To anyone I’ve offended, I just want to say, I reinvented electric cars and I’m sending people to Mars in a rocket ship. Did you think I was also going to be a chill, normal dude?"
4.62 (2K)   •   2024
"The NASA managers and astronauts alike were in the grip of what they would later recognize as “‘Go’ Fever”—the desperate drive to push on toward a launch..."
4.46 (929)   •   2023
"What separates you from an earthworm is not the unit of intelligence itself—neurons—but how these units are wired together."
4.61 (142)   •   2024
“My biggest problem was that I had succeeded, at least in the pursuit of building my company. Where I had failed was with the rest of my life.”
4.09 (456)   •   2024
"Could there be someone watching our Earth right now, also wondering if they are alone or not? For the very first time, we have the technology to investigate."
4.61 (85)   •   2024
"Instead of holding a vision of how sick your child could get, integrative pediatrics holds a vision of how well your child can be."
4.10 (478)   •   2024
"My hope for AI isn’t that it creates a new upgraded species without the messiness of humanity, but that it helps us ordinary, flawed humans live our best and happiest lives."
4.53 (208)   •   2024
"The season of puppyhood feels as if it will last forever, but it is truly a blip in time. Savor each moment."
4.49 (20K)   •   2024
"While the reward-seeking parts of the brain mature earlier, the frontal cortex—essential for self-control, delay of gratification, and resistance to temptation—is not up to full capacity until the mid-20s..."
5.00 (1)   •   2024
"Often it is the outsider, unburdened by the past, who becomes the pattern-breaking person behind a pattern-breaking idea."
4.49 (59)   •   2024
“When combined with native talent, foreign talent vastly expands the horizon of what we can accomplish together. That’s the foundation of every benefit immigrants bring to our society.”
4.42 (915)   •   2024
"A place filled with so much wonder, replete with so many layers of complexity, that there is nothing else like it, anywhere."
3.75 (8K)   •   2024
“The key to meaningful work is in the decision to keep returning to the efforts you find important. Not in getting everything right every time.”
4.33 (2K)   •   2024
"We built a food system that poisons us—and then, to keep us away from the avalanche of bad food, we decided to inject ourselves with a different potential poison, one that puts us off all food."
4.48 (10K)   •   2024
4.12 (1K)   •   2024
4.45 (2K)   •   2024
“In short, anything and everything that was “wrong” with women could be attributed to hysteria—and was, with wild abandon.”
4.62 (3K)   •   2024
4.37 (55K)   •   2023
"First, Medicine 3.0 places a far greater emphasis on prevention than treatment."
4.12 (27K)   •   2023
"For every Mozart who makes a big splash early, there are multiple Bachs who ascend slowly and bloom late."
4.25 (4K)   •   2023
"Movement is medicine, and the simplest acts of daily motion can have profound impacts on our health and longevity."
4.33 (3K)   •   2023
"Learning to let go of sexual shame can open up new possibilities for pleasure."
4.48 (14K)   •   2023
"I wanted to coach women to be the best in the world, but without subscribing to the dominant paradigm that athletes are disposable and that winning was worth just about any price."
4.38 (20K)   •   2022
"Between 1942 and 1944, an estimated six tons of dental gold were deposited in the vaults of the Reichsbank."
4.49 (8K)   •   2022
"The world’s chip industry, as well as the assembly of all the electronic goods chips enable, depends more on the Taiwan Strait and the South China coast than on any other chunk of the world’s territory except Silicon Valley."
4.11 (12K)   •   2022
"The universe is vast and varied, daily forcing scientists to confront, accommodate, measure, and analyze the diversity of all that’s out there."