The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything

The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything

by Matthew L. Ball
3.81 (2K)  •  2022

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Author explains metaverse with animation in Big Think format
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Aug, 2022
Spoiler: Calling the metaverse “an ambition,” “a hypothesis,” and “a fourth wave” of computing and networking (the first wave was the mainframe, the second personal computing and the Internet, and the third mobile and cloud), the author outlines a vision of our future. He discusses implications for education, reminding us all of the “paper maché, vinegar and baking soda” volcanoes of our youth while showing a headset-wearing child concocting a much more real metaverse volcano. He also discusses metaverse infrastructure, including payment rails.
Author interview with Anthony Pompliano in video call format
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Jul, 2022
Spoiler: Arguing that humans have always tried to have more immersive experiences, author Matthew Ball shares his excitement about the metaverse’s possibilities, ranging from pleasure to medicine to education. He also delves into some of the risks and challenges of the metaverse, from user privacy to payment rails, and discusses how investors, companies and individual users can most successfully navigate this next wave of the computing and networking era.
Interview with author in video format plus charts and footage
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Jul, 2022
Spoiler: In this short interview with Bloomberg News, the author discusses the implications of the metaverse but emphasizes that, like all technology, it will take longer than we may think to become part of our daily lives. He reminds us that the first wireless cell phone call was made in 1973 and then walks us down the memory lane of smart phone to Blackberry to iPhone. They also discuss “Stranger Things,” “Lord of the Rings” and streaming in general.

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Matthew L. Ball

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