Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI

Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI

by Madhumita Murgia
4.09 (1K)  •  2024

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Spoiler: The author talks about the origins of the book and how a technology that was intended to do good (facial recognition) became twisted and weaponized, noting, for example, that it makes more mistakes on dark-skinned faces than light-skinned. They discuss the lack of emotional intelligence in Big Tech; Murgia says that when the system runs on its own, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. They also discuss the positive uses of AI, such as diagnosing diseases, especially in economies where there isn’t enough access to health care.
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Spoiler: The interviewer begins by asking Murgia about data colonialism and generative AI, all of which is based on huge amounts of data left behind by us as we interact on Reddit, leave comments on YouTube, and use social media. A lot of that data is from creative people, none of whom were paid when the systems, whether it be the targeted paid advertising of Twitter/X or ChatGPT, were built. We are now seeing pushback from creatives who feel their work has been appropriated, such as the recent writers’ strike in Hollywood.
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Author Madhumita Murgia explains her hopes for the book
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Spoiler: In this brief advertisement for Code Dependent, the author introduces herself and explains her motivations for writing the book. She wanted to offer stories of ordinary people who have been interacting with AI systems, sometimes unknowingly. She hopes the book will help her readers identify their own AI-related stories, gain a deeper understanding of how AI is changing our lives, and feel more equipped to deal with such changes.
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Spoiler: The interviewer begins by congratulating the author on the book’s nomination for the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction, then asks her about the origins of the book. She comments that AI was a “fringe topic” ten years ago but that by the time she started her book, it was already embedded in many aspects of our lives, such as the recommendation system on Spotify. She describes the process of writing the book and the interviewer compliments her on the “human interest” evident in her writing.

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Madhumita Murgia

Madhumita Murgia is an Indian-British journalist and commentator who focuses on the societal impact of technology and science. As the AI Editor at the Financial Times in London, she leads global coverage of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. She won the Science & Technology Journalist of the Year award at the UK Press Awards in 2024 for her reporting on generative AI and its business implications.

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