Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Max Tegmark
4.01 (26K)  •  2017

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Author book description plus animation, footage and photos
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Jul, 2021
Spoiler: Calling humans “life 2.0” due to our ability to learn things and participate in cultural evolution (as opposed to bacteria, or “life 1.0”), Swedish-American physicist and author Max Tegmark discusses his new book. Saying we may be able to get machines that are “dramatically smarter than us,” the author warns that it’s not enough to have powerful AI but that we must also know how to control it and have a clear vision “for where we want to go with it.”
Author presents live at Google and shows slides and video
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Dec, 2017
Spoiler: Max Tegmark emphasizes the importance of making sure that AI shares our goals so that humanity can “flourish, not flounder.” He walks us through the industrialization of farming, when many lost jobs to machines, and speaks extensively about the twenty-three Asilomar AI Principles, signed onto by thousands of AI researchers and leaders, including Google, Apple, and OpenAI. On the topic of avoiding an AI arms race, he refers to the success of biologists and chemists, who banded together to ensure that their work is used for benefit and not destruction.
Author, in talking head format, discusses possible AI problems
340    6
Nov, 2018
Spoiler: Calling it “the most important conversation of our times,” the author considers the problems that can be caused by AI, saying Hollywood gets it wrong. The main foreseeable problem will not be robots turning evil, but AI being used for evil in the hands of humans, for example to manipulate elections or bring about terrorist attacks. Tegmark encourages viewers to ignore the movies and to focus on reality.

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Other books by Max Tegmark

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