Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

by John Doerr
3.99 (35K)  •  2017

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Jul, 2018
Spoiler: Doerr focuses his presentation on OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results. The idea behind OKRs, which the author says are like “a vaccine against fuzzy thinking,” is to set clear and aspirational objectives and define measurable results that indicate progress (or lack thereof) toward those goals. While OKRs need a why, a what, and a how, Doerr thinks of OKRs as “transparent vessels” made from the whats and hows of our goals; what really matters is the “why” that we pour into that vessel.
Key ideas from the book, explained in animated format
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Sep, 2018
Spoiler: The goal-setting system called OKR (for Objectives and Key Results) has been used extensively by Google since its founding and has attracted people from all walks of life, including rock star Bono, who called the system “A frame to hang your passions on.” When setting the Objective, your goals should be audacious and idealistic, set in the same spirit JFK showed when he said Americans were going to go to the moon not because it was easy but because it was hard.
Sal Khan in extensive conversation with John Doerr + slides
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Oct, 2018
Spoiler: Defining in-depth the terms that make up the widely-used goal-setting system known as OKRs (acronym for Objectives and Key Results), the author says that good Objectives are inspirational, long-lived, and action-oriented. Key Results must be measurable and verifiable. The author invites everyone in the audience to “join this movement,” whether in setting goals for their company or their family. He says OKRs can be misused by picking the wrong objectives. The companion to OKRs are CFRs: Conversations, Feedback, and Recognition.
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May, 2018
Spoiler: Objectives are what you want to get accomplished, while Key Results are how you’re going to get it done, thus the acronym OKR. The system was invented by Andy Grove of Intel in the 1970s; Doerr subsequently introduced OKRs to perhaps 100 different organizations, including Google when the founders were working out of their garage. Every quarter since then, every Googler has written down their objectives and key results and Google publishes and grades them. They don’t count toward bonuses and promotions but serve “a higher purpose.”

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John Doerr

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