AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order

by Kai-Fu Lee
4.09 (16K)  •  2018

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Author gives Ted Talk on U.S. and China as AI superpowers
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Aug, 2018
Spoiler: Noting that the U.S. led the discovery phase of AI and China is leading the implementation phase, the author highlights some of China’s advantages: long work hours, a massive market from which to gather data, and a gladiator-like competitive mindset. In light of this, he also makes a case for changing our values and remembering what makes us human, admitting with embarrassment that if his wife had taken a little longer to give birth to their first child, he would have left to go make a presentation to his boss on AI.
In-depth live chat between author and tech expert
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Spoiler: Sitting down with friend and tech expert Andrew McLaughlin, with whom the author worked to bring Google to China, Kai-Fu Lee talks about his book and the future of AI. For all the wonders of AI, such as being able to identify cancers better than human doctors, the author predicts that if machines do surpass humans, it will not happen for another twenty to thirty years. He discusses China’s rise from “copycat” to “innovator” and demonstrates the tenacious Chinese work ethic by describing the rise of food-delivery app Meituan.
Book Cursory channel summarizes book with animation + photos
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Spoiler: Mainly focusing on the question of whether AI will take our jobs or not, this animated review of Kai-Fu Lee’s book paints a glum picture but ends on a note of hope: that humans’ capacity to love and to form relationships sets us apart from AI like nothing else. Saying that jobs like caregiving will be the most difficult to farm out to AI, the suggestion is made that money saved in other areas could be used to pay these under-rated and under-paid workers.
In talking-head format, author tells why he wrote AI Superpowers
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Sep, 2018
Spoiler: Saying he was fortunate to be in on the early days of AI development, AI products, and now AI investing, the author wanted to write this book to help others understand the benefits and challenges that AI presents. In this video that is just over a minute long, he simply answers the question, “Why did you write the book?”

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