Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential

Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential

by Tiago Forte
4.05 (19K)  •  2022

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Author narrates over video footage in Big Think format
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Jan, 2023
Spoiler: Noting that our brains have not changed biologically in about 200,000 years, the author has developed a way to deal with what has changed: the amount of information that inundates us and the number of tasks we’re faced with in a given day. Calling a second brain “a cognitive exoskeleton,” Tiago says we need to harness technology to capture bits of both our physical and digital lives so we can “CODE,” which stands for “capture,” “organize,” “distill,” and “express.”
Author narrates over photos and illustrations
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Mar, 2019
Spoiler: The author says that in spite of having more knowledge than ever at our fingertips and in spite of spending a lot of time learning, we spend very little time cultivating and revisiting what we have learned, causing that knowledge to slowly fade away. He wanted to give people tools to make the most effective use of what they already know, to keep them “in the driver’s seat” of their own personal knowledge; thus, the “second brain” concept was born.
Author Tiago Forte explains topic in video teaser format
111K    751
Apr, 2021
Spoiler: In this one-minute teaser for his new book, the author explains that a “second brain” is both a system for handling the flood of information that inundates us daily and a set of habits for utilizing that information for our own benefit. Combining order and creativity to generate output, a “second brain” is a way of leveraging technology to enhance our “first brain.”

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