You Are a Global Citizen: A Guided Journal for the Culturally Curious

You Are a Global Citizen: A Guided Journal for the Culturally Curious

by Damon Dominique
3.70 (329)  •  2023
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Popular travel YouTuber answers Instagram Q&As from fans
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Jan, 2023
Spoiler: With the casual, chatty, giggly vibe that his followers know and love, influencer and author Damon Dominique answers reader questions sent in by Instagram and shares a couple of “zingers” from the book. He describes the version of ourselves that knows only our own country and has not traveled as “the lowest” form of ourselves, urging readers not to take vacations but to get to know other cultures, languages, food, flags, national anthems, and laws that will inevitably vary greatly from those of our country of origin.

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