Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life

Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life

by Joshua Becker
3.82 (3K)  •  2022
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Author addresses our use of time + inspiring photos
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Feb, 2022
Spoiler: The author says it’s important to know that our lives counted for something and that the best way to achieve good in the world is to remove distractions so we can better leverage our time. We all get the same number of minutes in a day, and what we do with our time matters in both the short run and the long run. We should set aside “lesser pursuits” to seek things that matter, and we should do this on a daily basis.
Author discusses 3-item to-do list in talking-head format
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Feb, 2023
Spoiler: Becker says that ever since a colleague introduced him to the three-item to-do list, he has used it with great success. He explains that limiting his to-do list to three items helps him realize what’s important in a given day and that although he may do many things that don’t appear on the list, he likes prioritizing those three most important things. Instead of ending each day feeling like you have fallen behind, the short list will give you an automatic sense of accomplishment.
Author does remote guest-spot on The Story Box podcast
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Apr, 2022
Spoiler: The author observes that the best version of himself is one that allocates his resources, specifically his talents, in the best possible way and that his passion is serving others. He adds that his certainty that there is a god and that there is a spiritual realm to the world helps him break free of physical things. He says there are deeper things in his heart and soul than physical possessions, a feeling that fuels his minimalism.

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Other books by Joshua Becker

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