The Selfish Gene

The Selfish Gene

by Richard Dawkins
4.16 (185K)  •  1976

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Author gives simple explanation of book to the Royal Institution
355K    6K
Feb, 2014
Spoiler: Richard Dawkins explains that the coded information in a gene is potentially “immortal” in that genes replicate themselves with almost total fidelity; that is, there are genes that are identical to what they were hundreds of millions of years ago. Therefore, the difference between a successful gene and an unsuccessful one is going to matter for millions of years. He argues that organisms are simply vehicles that genes use to replicate themselves and that it is genes, not organisms, that propel evolution.
Book explained in animated format on Four Minute Books channel
13K    235
May, 2022
Spoiler: First giving a one-sentence summary and then a longer explanation, the Four Minute Books channel shares three important lessons from The Selfish Gene. One, sometimes mutually altruistic behaviors benefit the genes of two organisms. Two, humans have managed to “splice off culture with its own evolutionary process,” creating fashion, religion, art and things that go beyond basic survival. And three, humans are special in that we have abilities that allow us to compensate for the downsides of our selfish genes.

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Other books by Richard Dawkins

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