The Bald Eagle: The Improbable Journey of America's Bird

The Bald Eagle: The Improbable Journey of America's Bird

by Jack E. Davis
3.75 (628)  •  2022

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Slideshow, author presentation and Q&A in Zoom webinar format
282    3
Mar, 2022
Spoiler: Little-known American revolutionary Charles Thompson was charged by Congress with designing America’s seal. His choice of the American bald eagle as the design’s centerpiece would prove enduring, immensely popular, and the inspiration for Jack E. Davis’s book. In this webinar presentation, Davis discusses America’s attitude toward the great bird of prey: how it was simultaneously revered, mercilessly hunted, and misunderstood even by ornithologists. In 1940, the bald eagle finally became protected in the country it represents.
Live author presentation, slideshow and Q&A in Florida
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Mar, 2022
Spoiler: Including plenty of Florida-centric tidbits to please his live audience, author Jack E. Davis gives a slideshow presentation in his home state. He covers the history of the American bald eagle, both before and after being chosen as the centerpiece of America’s great seal, and details how the bird of prey almost followed the passenger pigeon into extinction. He chronicles the concentrated and ultimately successful effort to reintroduce the species to certain areas, again focusing on Florida’s role in this endeavor.

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