“Being off the clock implies time freedom, yet time freedom stems from time discipline. You must know where the time goes in order to transcend the ceaseless ticking.”
“People who feel like they have enough time know how to linger in moments that deserve their attention; they can stretch the present when the present is worth being stretched.”
“All of us have to assess the plot of life we are allotted every twenty-four hours and figure out how we can make the most of what we’ve been given.”
“Strategizing boosts efficiency; planning your toughest work for the time when you have the most energy means a task might take one hour instead of two.”
“Calling something "work" doesn't make it a more noble use of time than anything else. Work that doesn't advance you toward the life you want is still wasted time.”
“The truth is that even ten minutes spent looking at the sky with nothing to fill the time can feel long.”
“Consciously lingering in pleasurable downtime reminds us that we have downtime. And that can make us feel like we have more time than when we let it slip through our hands.”
“Time is elastic. It stretches to accommodate what we choose to put into it.”
“The discipline of joy requires holding in the mind simultaneously that this too shall pass and that this too is good. This alchemy of mind isn’t easy, but the good life is not always the easy life. Happiness requires effort.”
“All time passes. But some moments transcend the ceaseless ticking. We simply need to see them, and then in time, we see more.”