Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

by David Allen
4.01 (162K)  •  2001

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Author gives productivity & focus tips in TEDx format + slides
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Oct, 2012
Spoiler: The author asks the audience to consider how available they are to do something creative. He warns that creativity will not happen when our heads are full of to-do lists, emails and other typical distractions; Allen likens working with our brains full to trying to cook a wonderful, creative dinner in a kitchen that is already piled up with dirty dishes and has no available counter space. He suggests not keeping anything in our heads but instead using written lists of prioritized goals and action steps.
Excerpt from author presentation in QuickTalks format
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Dec, 2017
Spoiler: David Allen tells his audience that “getting things done” is mostly about being present and engaged. The more something is on your mind, the less you are doing that thing. While most people cite lack of time as the culprit for their feeling of overwhelm and low productivity, the real problem is lack of psychic bandwidth, or space in our brains. To solve this problem, write down anything that is in your head, along with the necessary steps to accomplish each task.
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Aug, 2019
Spoiler: Harkening back to his first “job” as a magician at age five, the author says he was always intrigued by what we can’t see. In his twenties he became fascinated by the “pure efficiency” of the martial arts and earned his black belt in karate. This taught him the power of visualization and focus. He says he still uses the phrase “mind like water,” which he learned in his martial arts training, to represent the idea that we’re at our best when we stay in the present moment.

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David Allen

David Allen is an American author, productivity speaker, consultant, and international lecturer known for creating the 'Getting Things Done' time management method. He is the founder and chairman of the David Allen Company, which specializes in productivity training and consulting to enhance performance and execution.

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