“Ikigai resides in the realm of small things. The morning air, the cup of coffee, the ray of sunshine, the massaging of octopus meat and the American president’s praise are on equal footing. Only those who can recognize the richness of this whole spectrum really appreciate and enjoy it.”
“The Japanese do not need grandiose motivational frameworks to keep going, but rely more on the little rituals in their daily routines.”
“Just possibly, ikigai makes a Peter Pan of all of us. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. Let us all be twelve years old! Youthfulness of mind is important in ikigai, but so is commitment and passion, however seemingly insignificant your goal.”
“Being in the flow is all about treasuring the being in the here and now.”
“If you can make the process of making the effort your primary source of happiness, then you have succeeded in the most important challenge of your life.”
“It is the Japanese spirit to pursue something in a subdued but sustained manner, rather than, in flamboyant fashion, seek short-lived satisfaction of momentary needs. As a consequence, when something is started in earnest in Japan, it is likely that it will be preserved in motion for a very long time.”
“A man is like a forest, individual yet connected and dependent on others for growth.”
“When a Japanese says he or she believes that there is a god in a household item, what is implied is the necessity to pay due respect to that item, rather than saying that a god who created the whole universe is miraculously encapsulated in that small space.”
“Accepting yourself is one of the most important and yet difficult tasks we face in our lives. Indeed, accepting oneself is one of the easiest, simplest, and most rewarding things you could do for yourself—a low-budget, maintenance-free formula for being happy.”
“No matter what happens, so long as you have ikigai, you can muddle through difficult periods of your life. You can always go back to your safe haven, from where you can start your life’s adventures all over again.”
The New York Times: Guides for Better Living From Around the World