7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

by Sean Covey
4.05 (37K)  •  1997

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Teenage creator reviews and summarizes in talking-head format
4K    81
Aug, 2020
Spoiler: The book is based off of Covey’s classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The reviewer notes that the Teens book has been updated for the digital age; she calls it “relatable,” “relevant,” and “a delight.” The book is filled with quotes and cartoons, in addition to including stories about teens from all over the world who have successfully incorporated the seven habits into their lives. The reviewer’s favorite habit is number 3: “put first things first,” which deals with procrastination.
Key concepts from the book, summarized in written format
28    0
Mar, 2018
Spoiler: This short video outlines a few of the key ideas from Covey’s book. For example, “Be proactive.” This means to take responsibility for your actions and choices. Another key habit, illustrated with a quote from Alice in Wonderland, is “Begin with the end in mind.” This means to set goals and have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Another suggested habit is “Put first things first.” This involves prioritizing your time to focus on what matters most before doing non-essential things.

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Other books by Sean Covey

4.08 (10K)   •   2011

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