12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

by Jordan B. Peterson
3.92 (242K)  •  2018

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Author explains his 12 rules for life with meaningful images
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Jul, 2020
Spoiler: The author explains the 12 rules that make up his book, warning readers about what the rules do and do not mean. He says that rule number 7 (do what is meaningful, not what is expedient) is the “core ethos” of the book. He adds that this rule is closely related to rule 8 (don’t lie) because if we don’t tell the truth, we corrupt our perceptions, losing the ability to rely on our own judgment and therefore to do things that are meaningful.
The 12 rules for life explained in animated format
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May, 2021
Spoiler: The video uses animation to elaborate on Jordan Peterson’s 12 rules for life. Rule 2, for example, is “treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.” Studies have found that people are better at administering medicine to pets and loved ones than to themselves. Therefore, if we need to do something to take care of ourselves, like take a vitamin or drink more water, it may help to pretend that we are doing it for a beloved pet, friend or relative.
Author sits down with London Real for interview
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Nov, 2018
Spoiler: The day after a packed-the-house event in London, Jordan Peterson sits down to discuss how technology facilitated his rise to fame (saying people have longer attention spans than we thought and can listen to podcasts while doing other things) and explains some of his 12 rules in depth. Regarding the first rule, for example, (stand up straight with your shoulders back) he defends hierarchies among humans and animals as necessary, historically beneficial, and a buffer against starvation.

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Jordan B. Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is an author, psychologist, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. His podcast frequently ranks highly in the Education category, and his lectures and conversations on YouTube have garnered millions of views and plays.

Other books by Jordan B. Peterson

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