Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

by Yuval Noah Harari
4.36 (1.1M)  •  2011

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Live, in-depth author presentation with slides
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Mar, 2016
Spoiler: The author shares that at the heart of any large-scale human cooperation is a work of fiction: a shared myth or a religion that causes us to obey the same norms and therefore work together. You cannot convince a chimpanzee that if he gives you a banana he’ll go to heaven when he dies and receive lots of bananas. But humans are prone to that sort of belief and, fictional as it may be, it has allowed us to cooperate in ways that helped us dominate the planet.
Author narrates over photos and video footage to explain man’s rise
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Apr, 2021
Spoiler: How did Homo sapiens come to dominate the planet? For one thing, we are the only animal that has learned to cooperate flexibly, in massive numbers. The second factor is our imagination, in particular the ability to invent stories that become common myths (a/k/a religion) and allow us to cooperate, again, in large numbers. The ability to create fictions that get millions of people conforming to the same norms also extends to politics, economics and legal areas such as human rights.
The rise of Homo sapiens, explained in animated form
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Apr, 2018
Spoiler: This animated video, which is part one of two, distills and illuminates some of the main ideas from a portion of Yuval Noah Harari’s book. To explain how Homo sapiens began to succeed, the author proposes that two things allowed us to cooperate in large groups: language, at which we are exceptional, and common myths. The belief in common stories, even if those stories are false, allows us to cooperate flexibly and in vast numbers, far beyond what social insects such as bees, termites, and ants can do.

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Other books by Yuval Noah Harari

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