A Short History of Nearly Everything

A Short History of Nearly Everything

by Bill Bryson
4.22 (392K)  •  2003

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Author gives in-depth, live presentation at the Royal Society
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Aug, 2011
Spoiler: Presenting live to the Royal Society, author Bill Bryson reflects on the Society’s significant role in science over the last 350 years. He then speaks a bit about his book, noting that during the four years he spent interviewing scientists, he was simply trying to fill a “blank mind.” He marvels at the fact of our existence, saying that although Earth is very good at supporting life, it’s even better at destroying it.
Author live interview with Australia Broadcasting’s Paul Willis
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Sep, 2015
Spoiler: British social scientist Paul Willis and the author discuss how Bryson’s career evolved from travel writing to science. Saying “I’d always had this feeling that science had to be more interesting than it seemed at school,” Bryson reflects on the many interviews he did with scientists, for example “the moss man” and a trilobite specialist. He adds that he was amazed by the amount of things we don’t know, and by how much of science has been proved wrong since he was a student in the 1970s.
Twenty fun facts from the book presented in animated format
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Dec, 2015
Spoiler: The One Percent Better channel explains twenty interesting facts from Bryson’s book in animated format. Some are funny, some are informative, and some are explanatory. A few samples: the heart of a great blue whale is the size of a car; the dust on your shelf is mostly dead skin cells; we have better maps of Mars than we do of our own seabeds; when we die, our atoms will disassemble and become part of something else.

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Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson is a best-selling American-British author known for his books on travel, science, and the English language. Several of Bryson's books have been adapted into films and documentaries, further extending his reach and influence. In 2013, Bryson was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society, one of the highest honors for a non-scientist.

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