Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster

Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster

by Jon Krakauer
4.24 (515K)  •  1997

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Author shows personal photos and speaks at Boulder Library
588K    6K
Jul, 2021
Spoiler: Krakauer shares a treasure trove of photos of the many peaks he had climbed, including the Everest attempt that is at the center of the book. Using his photos and a pointer, he explains the routes and introduces the audience to the characters that make up the book. He says he never set out to be a writer but that he financed his early climbs by working construction for three or four months at a time, saving up enough money to climb for four or five months.
Book review with no spoilers in talking-head format
675    14
Dec, 2022
Spoiler: The reviewer says this is a great book for those who like to read about how humans respond in natural disasters such as shipwrecks and, in this case, a mountain climbing adventure gone wrong. He notes that Krakauer delves deeply into the psychology of survivor’s guilt, in addition to the subtleties of how humans respond when faced with danger and impending death. He says that even if you don’t typically read nonfiction and are not a climber yourself, the book still has much to offer.

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Other books by Jon Krakauer

4.01 (1.1M)   •   1996
4.11 (55K)   •   2015
4.01 (210K)   •   2003
4.03 (24K)   •   1990
3.72 (11K)   •   2011
4.08 (40K)   •   2009


The New York Times: Climbing Mount Everest

The Wall Street Journal: Climbing to Disaster

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