Into the Wild

Into the Wild

by Jon Krakauer
4.01 (1.1M)  •  1996

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Author gives interview to Charlie Rose about McCandless’s history
197K    2K
Jul, 2016
Spoiler: Krakauer explains the basics of Chris McCandless’s Alaska journey, including details well known to fans of the book: that Chris burned his last bit of cash, hiked alone into the wilderness, found the bus that sheltered him, but then met an unlucky turn. The river he had crossed months earlier had, by the time he decided to hike out, swelled to impossible proportions. Waiting for it to subside, he started eating a type of seed that interfered with his body’s metabolism, causing him to die of starvation.
Jon Krakauer gives slideshow and speaks about books
16K    133
Apr, 2019
Spoiler: Presenting an extensive slideshow with photos of both Chris McCandless and the author’s Everest group, Krakauer speaks on both books and shares anecdotes from his life. He says that the response to McCandless's story, when it was published as a magazine article, was initially negative. Readers criticized Chris for being “suicidal,” unprepared, or simply stupid. Krakauer says he identified with McCandless after having done similarly reckless things in his youth, with the difference that he was lucky enough to survive them.

Related movies

Into the wild (Movie 2008)

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