

by Matthew McConaughey
4.21 (375K)  •  2020

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Author uses video Q&A format to interact with readers of Greenlights
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Mar, 2021
Spoiler: McConaughey takes questions from fans who have read his new book. He responds by reading excerpts from the book and answering his readers with direct, humorous honesty, encouraging us all to “fail more” and to appreciate the red lights of life. He calls the loss of his father a “major red light” and what pushed him from boyhood into manhood. Although he says he speaks out loud to his dad’s spirit all the time, he misses the grandfather and father-in-law he would have been to McConaughey’s children and wife.
Matthew McConaughey presents Greenlights as a "playbook" on GMA
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Oct, 2020
Spoiler: Saying his new book is about “being kind to our future selves,” Matthew McConaughey chats with the staff of Good Morning America about fatherhood, his core values, and the moment when he first saw his wife. He also talks about the process of writing the book, during which he went to a desert by himself for 52 days, armed with 36-years’ worth of his journals. When asked how he stays grounded, he says he tries to keep his head and heart “communicating clearly” with each other.
"Talks at Google" Program Manager interviews author
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Jan, 2021
Spoiler: Alan Seales interviews McConaughey about the meaning of the book’s title and what we can learn from the yellow and red stoplights in our lives. The author notes that the most interesting moments come from yellow lights: do we slow down and stop, or hit the gas and keep going?

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