

by Michelle Obama
4.45 (1.1M)  •  2018

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Michelle Obama in-depth, sit-down interview about life & book
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Dec, 2018
Spoiler: From describing her first impressions of Barack (not love at first sight) to fertility struggles to taking three-month-old Sasha with her to a job interview because she had no babysitting, Michelle Obama speaks about topics with which any woman, and especially mothers, will identify. She shares that even though she and Barack were two of the most powerful people in the world, they made time for their children and wanted them to feel seen and heard. She also discusses nutrition and the importance of service.
Former First Lady shares pain of miscarriage with CBS News
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Nov, 2018
Spoiler: When asked by CBS News why she decided to open up about a miscarriage she suffered before she had her two daughters, Michelle Obama says that women don’t talk enough about miscarriages and fertility problems. She felt “broken,” as if she were somehow defective, because she didn’t realize how common miscarriage is. She also discusses going to marriage counseling with Barack and says that even a “phenomenal” marriage like theirs needs constant work and that she wants young couples to know that.
Oprah Book Club announcement + interview excerpt with First Lady
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Nov, 2018
Spoiler: CBS News and Oprah team up in this short video to give a dual recommendation for former First Lady Michelle Obama’s autobiography. Oprah says she laughed, cried, and read it twice, and that she wants “the whole world” to read it. In a short interview clip, Oprah asks Michelle why she wrote that she will never forgive Donald Trump for questioning Barack’s American birth certificate. Michelle replies that for Trump it was “a game” while for her, her husband, and their two daughters, it was a world-wide security risk.

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Other books by Michelle Obama

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