In Search of Excellence

In Search of Excellence

by Thomas J. Peters
3.91 (14K)  •  1982
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Co-authors speak + vintage Disneyland training footage
76K    253
Apr, 2011
Spoiler: The book’s co-authors explain that management used to be seen as more of a cop or an enforcer but that we’ve learned that successful management is more like a cheerleader. The video then switches to vintage Disneyland footage in which the company’s training techniques mimic what the co-authors have said. Disney doesn’t hire employees but rather they cast people in a role; the entire park is considered a stage and each member of the team is expected to uphold the illusion that customers are in a fantasyland.
Author defines immediate excellence in talking-head format
23K    449
Feb, 2019
Spoiler: The author says that excellence is not something that will happen in the next five, ten, or twenty years; rather, excellence is either the next five minutes “or it’s nothing at all.” For example, although most people hate meetings, every meeting is an excellence opportunity. Your next customer contact represents a chance for excellence, whether it’s a thank-you or an apology. All of leadership is show business and part of that show business is writing clearly, with good grammar, in your next instant message or email.
Author appears on podcast via video call + listener questions
2K    27
Jan, 2021
Spoiler: Peters says the cleaning staff of a hotel is as important or more so than the CEO and that every business should create an environment that enables and motivates employees to contribute their best efforts. Rather than viewing employees as mere resources, they should be treated as valuable assets who are actively engaged in the organization’s goals and objectives. This means creating a culture of collaboration, communication, and trust where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to take ownership of their work.

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