Principles: Life and Work

Principles: Life and Work

by Ray Dalio
4.11 (62K)  •  2017

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8-part animated summary of the book, narrated by the author
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May, 2018
Spoiler: In animated format, author Ray Dalio explains the main ideas of his book, Principles. He urges us to embrace failure as the path to learning principles that will help us create a great life. Relating perhaps his worst, and public, failure, he tells the story of losing all his money in 1982 and having to borrow $4,000 from his dad. He also encourages us to assume that the future will not simply be a slightly-altered version of the present, but in fact is typically very different.
Ray Dalio speaks live at Google and shows slides + Q&A
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Mar, 2018
Spoiler: Ray Dalio encourages his audience to have “big, audacious goals” and warns that there will be problems on the way; however, the process of pain + reflection is invaluable. He encourages businesses made of entrepreneurs—who must be independent thinkers—to have a system for “thoughtful disagreement.” In answering an audience question, he addresses a concept called “the two yous,” meaning that we have a thoughtful version of ourselves and an emotional version, and the two conflict.
Author talks about failure in excerpt from Talks at Google
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May, 2021
Spoiler: In this short excerpt from a presentation given live at Google, the author, with visual aids, discusses how he went from thinking of failure as a negative to seeing it as a puzzle to be solved or as a learning opportunity. He describes a five-part process of achieving a goal (goal, problems, diagnosis, design, doing). Noting that nobody is good at everything, he encourages us to seek out others who are skilled in areas where we are lacking.

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Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio is an American investor and hedge fund manager, founder, and co-chief Investment Officer of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund. He is known for his practical approach to economics, which differs from conventional thinking. In 2020, Bloomberg ranked him as the world's 79th-wealthiest person.

Other books by Ray Dalio

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