“The first Baby Step is to save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund. The goal is to save it as fast as you can.”
“These first three steps take the average Baby Stepper in Financial Peace University about two and a half to three years to complete.”
“Murphy’s Law guarantees that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong. In other words, if you’re alive, bad stuff will happen to you sooner or later.”
“Their secret sauce to building wealth? They actually invest; they don’t just talk about it! And they never stop investing. They keep going and going and going and going. They don’t time the market, jumping in and out based on some guru.”
“For a lot of people though, the struggle and discipline of living out these later steps is very real. Just because it’s the marathon portion of the race and your pace is slower than a sprint doesn’t mean it won’t still suck at times.”
“One of the biggest hurdles people face as they think about building wealth and becoming a millionaire is all the mistaken ideas of what rich people look like.”
“To be without belief or hope is a really sad place. It can blind us and keep us trapped in the fear and lies of a victim mentality. But belief gives us courage and confidence and causes us to act. You can do most things if you simply believe and don’t quit before you start.”
“We want to be an overnight success. Things like reality TV and Instagram make us believe we can. I can’t help but laugh a bit endearingly at this, because since my bankruptcy, I’ve wised up and worked my butt off for thirty years to be “an overnight success.””
“It starts with teaching our kids that work is an important life skill, just like teaching them to brush their teeth or look both ways when crossing the street.”
“Most of us who’ve lived a little life already know the concept of wealth equality is completely unfair. And that’s not a feeling I have—it’s a fact.”
“Becoming a millionaire is a great, life-changing goal for you and your family, and obviously, I’m all about showing you how. But I’m definitely not teaching that money is everything or even the main thing.”
“The truth is, he with the most toys when he dies is dead.”