An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth

An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth

by Chris Hadfield
4.17 (61K)  •  2013

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Chris Hadfield talks about conquering fear in TED format + photos
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Mar, 2014
Spoiler: In a TED Talk that earns him a standing ovation, astronaut and author Chris Hadfield regales the audience with descriptions of what it’s like to be in outer space: that the earth looks like “a self-propelled art gallery of fantastic, constantly-changing beauty,” for example. Then he addresses how to deal with fear: how to practice anything—from entering a spaceship to walking through a spider’s web—in such a way that allows us to dominate fear and achieve our goals.
Author gives advice about fear vs. risk in talking-head format
63K    3K
Sep, 2018
Spoiler: Canadian author and former astronaut Chris Hadfield talks about how there is risk in everything: in learning to ride a bike, in getting married, even in learning to walk. But he says there’s also risk in staying home with your pillow over your head and that you’re going to die anyway. Therefore, the key is to decide what is worth doing, what experiences we will gain by taking a risk. For him, participating in space expeditions was risky but gave him “the rarest of human experiences.”

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