21 Lessons for the 21st Century

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

by Yuval Noah Harari
4.16 (166K)  •  2018

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Author converses with moderator in Authors at Google format
3M    47K
Oct, 2018
Spoiler: Harari admits that as an historian he tends to focus on the dangers of new technologies. However, when pressed by the moderator to discuss some of the positives of AI, Harari says that perhaps a million lives per year will be saved by self-driving cars and that we are moving into an era of the best healthcare in history. This is because having biometric sensors monitoring our bodies will allow disease to be diagnosed long before we feel the discomfort that would send us to the doctor.
Author gives overview of new book in talking-head format
69K    1K
Dec, 2018
Spoiler: The author gives a brief description of his previous books and says that if his new book empowers even a few people to join the debate about humanity’s future, it will have done its job. He addresses censorship, saying that rather than block the flow of information, censorship harms by flooding us with disinformation. While acknowledging that many people are overwhelmed by working and taking care of their children, he warns that history “gives no discounts," that reading brings clarity, and clarity is power.
Summary and review in Four Minute Books format
13K    317
Sep, 2021
Spoiler: One of the lessons from the book is “the knowledge illusion”; that is, we think we know more than our ancestors but we actually don’t. For example, we rely on experts in almost every sector of our lives, and most of us are unable to build our own shelter, make our own clothes, or grow our own food. Just because we have access to all the world’s knowledge doesn’t mean we have it in our heads, so we should stay grateful, be humble, and always keep learning.

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Other books by Yuval Noah Harari

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